The Symphonic Hall, the largest in the building (913m2), has a capacity for 1,237 seats and 10 spaces for wheelchairs. The capacity is distributed between the 772 seats on the ground floor and the 465 seats in the amphitheater, so that only the lower room can be used independently for smaller-capacity events. The wide stage, which has 271 m2, being 22 meters wide by 14 deep, is topped with a background covered in gold leaf. The acoustic ceiling, made of walnut wood, gives it excellent acoustics. It has technical boxes for the installation of audiovisual elements, as well as a “Queen’s box”, with direct access to the stage. The orchestras’ dressing rooms and rest and rehearsal rooms are located in the annexes. Uses: musical events, congresses, presentations. Located on floors 0 and 1 (amphitheater).