ADDA Foundation is a cultural organization with the purpose of fostering, disseminating and promoting musical, performing arts, artistic and cultural activities, through concerts, artistic and philharmonic performances and organization of sociocultural symposia, exhibitions and conferences. The scope of the activity is:

Management of scenic spaces and professional events.

The activities carried out by the Foundation pursue the fulfillment of the following purposes:

1.Exhibition and dissemination of music and the performing arts, especially those that have the greatest roots and tradition in the Valencian Community.

2.Carrying out activities, informative performances or projects of all kinds aimed at the dissemination, promotion, fostering of music and the performing arts.

3.Support and contribution to knowledge, in all areas, of the Provincial Auditorium of Alicante, promoting whatever actions in the broadest terms are related to it.

4.Promotion and promotion of direct or indirect participation in the activities or projects of the Foundation of any natural or legal person, public or private.

The fulfillment of such purposes will be carried out through the development of cultural and technical advice regarding the set of activities and exhibition content of the Alicante Provincial Auditorium, and the organization of exhibitions, meetings, conferences, seminars, congresses, courses and other similar events.

The Management, convinced that to ensure the success of the organization it is essential to establish and develop a Management System, acquires the commitment to establish and develop aforementioned System based on the ISO 9001 Standard and the Q requirements of the Scenic Spaces Management System

The general guidelines of the integrated management system policy are as follows:

  • Maintain the commitment to continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the Management System in the services provided.
  • To ensure the satisfaction of our clients and interested parties, committing ourselves to understand the current and future needs of the client, satisfy their requirements and strive to exceed the expectations of all interested parties.
  • Comply with the requirements of our clients, as well as all those of a legal nature and other requirements applicable to this institution.
  • Improve the qualification of staff through continuous training, as well as motivate them to increase their involvement in the quality management system implemented.

As quality management is the responsibility of all the members of the institution, the Management commits and ensures that this Quality Policy is understood and accepted by the personnel that make up the CV ADDA Foundation.